7 Ways for Law Firms to Appeal to Younger Audiences

As many know, identifying the wants and needs of your target client is pivotal in marketing. For law firms of the past, this meant catering to an older demographic. As times change, though, law firms are starting to reach out to younger audiences.

This may sound like marketing 101–but with an evolving consumer market, many have started to realize how diverse members of Gen Z are. Many businesses and law firms have become innovators of marketing to adapt to younger audiences.

Here are some quick facts about Gen Zers from Pew Research before we get into the good stuff: 

  • Most racially and ethnically diverse generation
  • On track to be the most well-educated generation
  • Described as being “Digital Natives” –have little to no memory of the world before smartphones existed.
  • Similar viewpoints as Millennials in key social and policy issues: progressive and pro-government

Some key features of younger audiences include being tech equipped and in tune with major issues of the world. Members of Gen Z relate with brands that are sincere, passionate, and as tech-advanced as they are.

Sure, there are still traditional ways to advertise. But connecting law firms and younger audiences can be tricky. If you’re up for learning creative strategies to tap into Gen Z’s buying power, here are our 7 tips on becoming a magnet for younger clients.

7 Ways to Appeal to Younger Audiences

1. Have an “Aesthetically Pleasing” Law Firm

If younger consumers love anything, it’s visual appeal. Digital natives have grown up using touchscreens their whole lives and have seen it all–they’ll easily compare brands to one another.

If you want to stick out, make sure your brand uses bold fonts, bright colors, and lots of visuals. Stick to using minimal font types and try to stay away from stock images. Original photos and graphics are nicer to look at.

Be sure to use various formats for your site and content. While you may be an avid reader, not everyone is (unfortunately). Try being creative with videos, podcasting, and e-newsletters aside from blog posting.

You can expect many Gen Zers to use their phones first rather than a desktop, so make sure your brand is mobile friendly! If your website doesn’t have a responsive layout, people will bounce from your site.

The profile of The Flood Law Firm is a great example of an aesthetically pleasing theme. They maintain a blue color scheme, matching highlight images, and easy to read fonts.

2. Be Active on Their Social Media Platforms

Some apps thrive more than others for younger audiences, as you may already know. Not all of these are best for advertising your law firm, though.

It can be difficult to keep up with every app that younger folks are using, especially with constant updates and new features. The most popular apps used among Gen Z currently are TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.

Snapchat is one app we would not advise to market on, though. Although it’s a popular app for younger people, it’s mostly communication based. Advertisements do appear on the app but are easy to click away from and content lifespan is limited. It’s also expensive to advertise compared to other platforms.

Millennials and older folks make up most of Facebook users. If law firms want to target younger audiences, Facebook is not the most optimal app but is still good to have a presence on for a wider variety.

All in all, don’t use apps that aren’t relevant to your brand!

Apps you may consider using are Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and maybe TikTok. It’s a nontraditional app that requires consistent and creative content. If you’re on the fence about creating an account on TikTok, check out our article on 10 TikTok tips for lawyers.

Aside from choosing the best platforms for your law firm, check out guides on how often to post and optimal days/times.

3. Engage, Engage, Engage!

One important thing to keep in mind about younger audiences is: Don’t talk about them, talk WITH them!

Younger audiences appreciate sincerity and transparency, and it’s important to show that in any way you can. Respond to comments and mentions on all platforms to show you hear them!

This is a good way to show audiences that you are human and not a stereotypical “cold” law firm. Younger consumers love to see that you are engageable, approachable, and effective communicators.

4. Stay in Tune with Trends

You may already be familiar with trends among younger people, or you may feel dizzied by them.

Apps like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter use trending hashtags. Algorithms on the apps will push forward any content that relates. It’s important to stay aware about trends on many apps and to use some (when relevant) to enhance your content.

Warning: Don’t follow every single trend! If you don’t want to appear like a try-hard, don’t jump on the trend bandwagon just because others are doing it. You can make the best judgment for your law firm to decide if a trend could be beneficial or not.

examples of law firms appealing to younger audiences
The trending hashtag on TikTok, #lawfirmlife, has 11.2 million views.

5. Create a Genuine Brand with a Mission

What do younger audiences want to see before deciding to buy a product? This is where some of our statistics from earlier come into play.

The short answer: sincerity and transparency.

Younger consumers want to find resonance between themselves and brands. A solution for this is having a brand mission!

But, the brand mission is only as strong as the employees’ beliefs in it. Your team should be passionate about your goals.

Passion should drive your mission, not profits. Younger consumers look for brand purpose with authenticity that isn’t driven simply to make a buck. Make sure your goal as a business is not cliche and stands out from other competition.

6. Consider Influencer Marketing

A good way to boost credibility and connect law firms and younger audiences is through influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing has a big potential to expose your firm to an audience you didn’t know you could have! But it’s also one of the pricier ways to advertise on an app.

If you decide you want to go in this direction, set a budget beforehand and do some research. Try to find an influencer who shares the same mission, background, or values as you do. You want whoever speaking for you to elevate the voice you already have. If you connect with your influencer, you’re sure to connect with their fanbase.

It’s also important to not go overboard! People like to see their favorite influencers on social media, but they don’t necessarily enjoy having pitches pushed at them.

There are many platforms on social media to implement influencer marketing, but you can also get creative. Other ways to use this strategy could be through collaborating on a podcast/video or hosting an event with the influencer as a spokesperson.

7. Create Relevant Content

While it may seem obvious, one of the most important factors of marketing is the type of content you produce.

Your content should be original, creative, and have information that younger audiences would enjoy learning. Having a Millennial or a member of Gen Z on your team can be an asset in providing ideas younger audiences would be interested in.

Besides copy content, it should be somewhat high quality. Stay away from images that are blurry or stock. You don’t need to invest in any fancy cameras–don’t underestimate your phone!

Content can have an underproduced feel, but it should still make you look credible.

Ben is a nationally recognized expert in attorney marketing and the owner of Great Legal Marketing.

Most attorneys start their firms assuming that being a really, really good attorney should, in and of itself, be a marketing advantage. Those attorneys believe that joining a whole bunch of committees and putting their name in lawyer directories is “marketing,” and they never bother to ask if there is a better way.

Attorneys are catching on, however, and those who succeed learn to leverage their current resources to create effective (and ethical) marketing. What they discover isn’t a magic pill or silver bullet but a different approach to marketing that your competitors haven’t considered.

If you want a peek at what successful attorneys use to market their practice, the HERO Starter Kit is your logical next step.

We’ve put together a FREE (and potentially life-changing) kit for solo and small firm attorneys that will show you a better way to reach potential clients and get them excited to call your firm. Request your HERO Starter Kit from Great Legal Marketing!

by Ben Glass

Ben is a nationally recognized expert in attorney marketing and the owner of Great Legal Marketing.


  • Ben is a nationally recognized expert in attorney marketing and the owner of Great Legal Marketing.